Planning genetics & hemp seed selection

Maria Bale

It's one of our favorite times of year, when we get to plan and hash out (no pun intended, haha) genetics for the upcoming grow season. It is one of the most important aspects of season planning for several reasons, and these reasons drive the choices behind which genetics we choose for the year.  We plan for 2000 plants per acre, so at 3-7 acres this means we are looking to purchase 1000s of seed each year. We use seed vs clones as they are cheaper and hardier in the field. Because of losses due to natural factors, and to...

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Words of Welcome from our Cofounders

Maria Bale

Welcome to the new Umpqua Valley Hemp website! It's been quite the journey with Umpqua Valley Hemp, full of hurdles and victories. We are farmers first so often our energies get caught up in the hands-on aspects of our business and we aren't as engaged as we want to be with the folks who mean the most to this endeavor - our friends, fans, colleagues, and customers. Our previous website was managed by a developer so it became a time-consuming and costly task to make updates - yet another lesson learned along the way.So, this website is the sprouting seed (ha!) to...

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